Longlevens Infant School

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Friends of LIS

Who we are and what we do

The Friends of Longlevens Infant School, is a group of volunteer parents who do what they can to raise money for the school, providing much needed resources and extra equipment for our children.  Any parent, carer or grandparent can join the friends to help arrange events and fundraisers to help raise this money. 

The Friends work closely with the school to hold events throughout the school year.  We have been very successful and take this opportunity to thank all the supporters who attend these events and the children who love to take part.

Our biggest annual event is the fireworks display and we hold Christmas and Summer Fayres. Easter sees the Easter Bunny visit the school.  We hold raffles, cake sales, school discos, competitions, sponsored scoots, non-uniform days...the list is endless!

Some of the money raised is used to enhance the learning opportunities for our children and this includes workshops and activities related to the topic each class and year group, are working on that term. We have recently bought new books for school, to update the reading scheme.

Please contact us if you are interested in helping out in any way.  We appreciate any time you can offer!  If you have any suggestions for future fundraising or feedback on recent events please email friends@lpf.school