Longlevens Infant School

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School Council

The School Council is made up of two children from each class in Year 1 and 2 and in the summer term EYFS. They are elected by their class to represent them for one year.

This year's school council representatives are:

Year 2

Pandas - Harper and Freddie H
Elephants - Cameron and Robyn
Tigers - Rory and Charlotte
Orangutans - Liberty and Thomas

Year 1

Kingfishers - Arnie-James and Charlotte
Woodpeckers - Chloe and Arthur
Puffins - Benjamin and Daisy
Swallows - India and Harlow

We are the School Council

We represent the children's voice, giving all children at Longlevens Infant School the chance to share their ideas and have their say. We encourage everyone to think of great ideas to help the school to become even better.

Ideas / issues are passed on to the school council. At the meetings we discuss, investigate, plan, take action or find someone who can help. 

There are representatives from every class from Reception to Year 2. Two of us from each class are elected by a class vote. 

We meet regularly to discuss ways we can help the school to become even better. Sometimes they are ideas from the children, others from the staff but also actions from the governors and our Headteacher.

Some of our successes this year have included:

Poppy Appeal

We organised the Poppy Appeal this year, encouraging children around the school to donate and buy a poppy, or poppy stationary, for Remembrance. We raised an incredible £339.

Sports Day

We are very busy on Sports Day helping the Friends on the refreshment stall selling drinks and other refreshments.

Red Nose Day and Children in Need

We create a list of possible fund-raising ideas then take these back to our classes for them to vote on. This academic year we wore our own clothes for Children in Need and raised a fantastic £642.09 across the Federation for the charity.